Digitization of Public Institutions

Today, businesses are spread throughout the globe with teams working from across continents. With multiple billing options and tailored service configuration, every enterprise can find the perfect solution. Ecrubay with its Enterprise Voice Solutions, caters to your international calling needs by providing IP-based solutions that remove carrier level redundancies. Utilizing our premium internet bandwidth and network, our managed VoIP services utilise the shortest route between the origin and the destination.

Vitual PBX

Elevating Communication

Deliver An Exceptional Customer Experience With VoIP Phone Solutions. More and more companies decide to replace traditional telephone exchanges in their offices with alternative VPBX exchanges. This is not without reason. Thanks to the solution offered by the technologically advanced virtual exchange, managing the telecommunications system is faster, more convenient and cheaper

SIP trunk calls

Innovative SIP Trunking solutions

SIP Trunk calls for large business and public institutions. The offer is addressed to customers who have their own extensive telecommunications system.Enabling businesses with unhindered global connectivity. Our Global SIP Connect service empowers service providers and allows them to serve customers even in markets not yet covered by their networks.
